Friday, 11 September 2009

The view just a minute ago

Just looked up from my computer, and this was the sunset!

And now, back to computing....

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Iain is spending the evening working one of the gates at the fair. I was wondering what to do with my time tonight, and he suggested that I could blog a bit. He probably will be surprised to see his handsome face looking back at him when he checks my updates!

The picture was taken when we were camping in Algonquin park. The moon was huge and gorgeous, as you can see. It shone brightly all night; flashlights weren't necessary for midnight perambulations in the camp. We were on Sec Lake. Our site was just a short paddle from the boat launch (maybe a mile?), and was on a small peninsula, so we had water on both sides, and a view of both sunrise and sunset.

This is the sunset that same evening. I entered this picture in the fair as a "landscape" entry. One of my many non-winners *sigh*. I have a lot to learn about photography!

These pictures look very calm, but there was a rain and thunder storm when we first arrived, and a lot of wind; so much so that by the time we were ready to strike camp there were a LOT of tarps to be taken down. It was a bit embarrassing, actually - a real Tarp City. But at least we were comfortable.

It's Winter....

 Not a fan, but winter is something one survives (hopefully) so that spring may occur. I miss Stitches, very much. Fortunately, we have Jasp...