Saturday, 16 May 2015

I haven’t disappeared off the face of the earth…

Too many distractions, I guess, but still I was shocked to see I hadn’t posted any ramblings since the end of March! So here’s an update:

We were at the cottage for Easter weekend. It was, unfortunately pretty cold, but we had a good time anyway.
I love the way the sun heats the leaves so they melt into the snow in perfect outlines.
We saw lots of sunken leaves.

Lots of puddles but very little open water.
We had a nice turkey dinner – you can’t go wrong with that!

We scared out a few deer on the cottage road.
On the next weekend the office girls went to the Women’s show in Ottawa, and had fun – but this is probably our last trip there for a while. Next time it’s shopping all the way! We did stop at a few stores this time as well, but I have a hankering to spend a day at Ikea, sometime.

Onyx loves to nap in the sun, where he can keep an eye on the feeder.
Stitches was exhausted from her trip to the vet, and curled up under the covers for the afternoon.
We made a quick trip to the lake near the end of April, just to drop off a few items, and the lake was wide open!
Ah, open water! Hooray!
We got back to the lake at the beginning of May, and the weather was much better. We worked outside most of the weekend, getting things in order; and my camera didn’t even come out for a minute, since I was so busy!

Last weekend we did the annual Yard and Bake Sale at the church.

Stuff really sold - the table is pretty picked-over at this point.
Fun, as always, but I am glad to not have to hit the baking aisle again for a while.

It's Winter....

 Not a fan, but winter is something one survives (hopefully) so that spring may occur. I miss Stitches, very much. Fortunately, we have Jasp...