I have had a busy month, which is why no posts. Winter is ending – long overdue – and spring briefly exploded to form an early summer, before settling back into more seasonal temperatures. There was frost last night, so I’m glad I didn’t rush out to plant annuals as yet.
The church’s annual yard sale/bake sale took place last weekend, which meant I had to do
some baking, though not as much as in some years past: no buns (no time), just four or five batches of cookies. The sale was a success anyway, so I don’t think they were missed much (I did get told that my baked beans
must be available at our fall sale, Lord willing).
We brought home the old VHS player from the cottage so I could try an experiment: transferring old VHS stuff to DVD. It seems to work; we have a DVD recorder that we used to used in our pre-PVR days, that has just been gathering dust. I hooked everything together and VOILA!: the old super8 movies that I had transferred to VHS (about 20 years ago) are now ready to burn to DVD. It isn’t a lot of film – only about 20-30 minutes worth – but it has some precious images from the 1970’s.
This is a still I found between scenes: it’s blurry (there were only two frames to take it from) but I know it is my Mom at the kitchen sink, probably drying a dish. Strange to find it wedged in there; I didn’t even know it existed until I was editing the raw VRO file. Probably I turned on my camera for a second by mistake, and that’s how it ended up on the film, but I’d never seen it before this, it being there and gone too quickly for the eye to see.

It’s too bad there is no sound on those old films. When I see my Dad, and Dodie’s first husband Terry, and my Aunt Bea, how I’d love to hear their voices again!
We’re gearing up for the long weekend, and then summer is truly here. Cottage time again, and I can’t wait!