Tuesday 15 April 2014

Can spring finally be here?

It’s starting to feel a bit warmer, it’s raining more often than it snows – yes, I think it’s here!

Every morning, Jezebel comes to the door to watch Iain leaving for work. I don’t know if she just wants to escape outside now that it’s spring, or if she is missing having his lap to curl up on every day (as she did for the last year when he was out of work).
Our adorable girl.
This was a sight for sore eyes last weekend. So good to get back to the lake. It’s where we really want to be, all of the time. We’re fond of saying that if we had high-speed internet there, we’d probably just live there.
The snow is going!
The main road is bare, but the sideroads by the lake are still snow-packed.
At least now you don't fall through the crust every second step.
We saw what looked like racoon tracks. We aren’t really woodsmen, however, so we might be wrong.
Raccoon? Skunk?
The ice is just beginning to recede near the shore where the water is flowing.
It never really freezes solid here - too much water action.
Most of the lake is quite solid as yet, though slushy on top.
I'm hoping it will look at bit different next time we are there.
Moose and deer tracks on the road across the field.
We don't often see moose around the lake.
And we saw a gull! I believe this is the earliest I have seen one on the lake, as yet.
So wish I'd had my telephoto lens handy!

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