Wednesday 13 June 2007

Pink Lady's Slipper

Here is a (sadly uninspiring) picture of a lady's slipper plant we were pleased to find on the lake last weekend. I feel I must post it, because, as Wendy says, without the picture - it didn't happen! And I was pretty happy about finding it. Not as nice quality as I'd like, though - I grabbed it off a video taken from our swaying boat. There is so much to see in the wild, but you have to be paying close attention; we had drifted by this clump of 3 flowers, when the bright pink caught my eye, and Iain had to double back. I was sure it was some sort of orchid or pitcher plant, but couldn't remember what it was. Myles identified it as soon as he saw the video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No Lady's Slipper picture is ever uninspiring. They are wonderful plants!

It's Winter....

 Not a fan, but winter is something one survives (hopefully) so that spring may occur. I miss Stitches, very much. Fortunately, we have Jasp...