Tuesday 25 March 2008

Hiss Boo Maxim

I just finished reading that Maxim magazine has published a list of the women they consider to be the unsexiest alive (presumably among celebrities). I don't know who at the magazine thought this was a good idea, but they must have a particularly cruel streak in them. Although I don't think terribly highly of the women they chose (when I think of them at all), I feel really sorry for them, because it's just a very mean thing to say; whether it's true or not is debatable and inconsequential. Once it's said, it hurts, immediately - and it was meant to.
In the past I've always just ignored Maxim and other "girlie" magazines, because, let's face it, no man above the age of 17 with an IQ in the triple digits bothers with them, unless he is totally useless with an actual human woman, and then, of course, is more to be pitied than reviled. Perhaps they're hoping that this "list" will grab some attention for them, and increase their circulation.
Way to go, guys - you just cornered the mean-drunk misogynist readership market!

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